Youth Network NORDYouth Network NORD
Youth Network NORDYouth Network NORD

Materials from Ungetinget 2023!

Welcome to Ungetinget 2023!

On this page, we have gathered relevant information and program details for you.


Some parts of the program are the same for everyone.

And some parts of the program runs parallel to each other. You can choose between these on the day.

Wondering what the different parts of the program contain? Just scroll down the page to see detailed descriptions of each part of the program.

You can also click here to download the overall program for Ungetinget



Here you can see the program for Friday.

Jump to Friday

Here you can see the program for Saturday.

Jump to Saturday

Here you can see the program for Sunday.

Jump to Sunday


Ground Rules and Code of Behavior

The code is written with a focus on ensuring a safe space for all participants at Ungetinget.

You must bring a printed and signed Code of Behavior to Ungetinget

Open and print the document here
Packing list

Here is a packing list to help you remember the most important things.

Open the packing list here

If you need to get reimbursement, you can read more about how to apply for it here.

Get more information here
Share your pictures and videos

We would love for you to share your pictures and videos from Ungetinget with us!

Just upload them in the folder through the link below.

Upload your pictures and videos here

Program details

Opening of Ungetinget


In Storsalen

All together, we're going to kick off Ungetinget 2023.

Get to know each other in reflection groups


In Home Rooms - Storsalen, Festsalen, Lillesalen and Åsen

Everyone will be part of a reflection group during Ungetinget.

This group will be your “core group” during Ungetinget. We will start and end each day together with this group. The idea is to allow you a bit of time at the start of each day, and the end of each day to reflect on how you are and what you want to get out of the day.

Each group consists of app. 6 people and is part of a Home Room that will be facilitated by your safety person.

You will get information on your reflection group and Home Room when you arrive at Ungetinget.

Defining inclusive communities?


In Home Rooms - Storsalen, Festsalen, Lillesalen and Åsen

In our reflection groups, we will work with how we can understand and create inclusive communities.

Session 1




In Åsen

Naapitta means “let’s meet” in Greenlandic. As part of the NORD-project young Inuit and Sámi met in Nuuk this August. At this short session they will share some of their experiences, and you are invited to join an inclusive fireplace conversation.

There will be a limited number of spots available for this element, and we will fill the room on a "first come, first served" basis.

Networking and partnerships #1 - The faces of Ungetinget 2023


In Storsalen

Who are you? Which organization are you from? What is your role? What can you and/or your organization offer? And what would you like to learn more about?

In this session you will have the opportunity to present yourself, your role, your organization to help us get an overview of all the cool possible partnerships to be made during Ungetinget 2023!

Format: Come and go as you please!

Board games


In Festsalen

Play board games with other participants! Nickolaj from Bifrost (DK) and Jakup from Tabletop (FO) will be your game masters

Creative café


In Festsalen

The creative café is a space where you can either work on a creative project you have brought from home or play with some of the materials, we have brought.

You are also welcome to just hang out, relax and talk with others in a slower tempo.

Good morning in reflection groups


In Home Rooms - Storsalen, Festsalen, Lillesalen and Åsen

Session 2


Networking and partnerships #2- Create ideas and network – Nordic style!


In Storsalen

Do you have a great idea for a partnership? Would you like to create a partnership, but have no idea where to start? Do you want to work on an already existing partnership, or do you just want to be inspired by other organizations?

Then this might just be the sessions for you!

In these sessions you will have the opportunity to and be provided with the tools to create ideas, start planning, get inspiration on how to fundraise and reflect on how to create inclusivity and equity and much more. The same session will be held twice, which gives you plenty of opportunity to take part in other sessions.

Format: All are welcome!

Sustainable engagement and volunteering


In Festsalen

Strong engagement and dedication to a cause greater than oneself is often the foundation for a volunteer organization.

Sometimes, however, this engagement becomes a bit too intense. Many organizations experience that their volunteers burn out and disappear from the organization.

Why does this happen, and what can we do about it? Hopefully you will get some answers in this session.

Trygg - Dealing with sexual violence


In Lillesalen

Sexual harassment and abuse are widespread in the Nordic region, and we know that members of youth organizations become victims of this too.

How do we safeguard children and youth, create safe spaces, and what can we do when we witness or experience harassment or sexual violence ourselves?

LNU will present their project "Trygg", go through some key aspects about the topic, and include you as a participant in discussions about safeguarding in organizations.

Nordic community - Unge, påvirkning og muligheter i Norden


In Åsen

Hvad er nordisk samarbejde og hvilke muligheder er der i dette?

Få svar på dette i vores workshop, hvori vi giver dig et indblik i Nordisk samarbejde i fortiden og nutiden, mens du selv får muligheden for at hjælpe med at skabe en mulig fremtid for Nordisk samarbejde.

Workshoppen faciliteres af Foreningen Norden Danmark og Foreningen Nordens Forbund

Format: The workshop will be in Scandinavian, everyone is welcome

Walk and talk


Start in Kollen

Go for a walk. Get some fresh air. Maybe talk to a new person?

We have printed a map with a 3,5 km walk around the lake.

Creative café


In Kollen

The creative café is a space where you can either work on a creative project you have brought from home or play with some of the materials, we have brought.

You are also welcome to just hang out, relax and talk with others in a slower tempo.

Session 3


Nordic community - Språkforståelse i Norden


In Storsalen


Har vi et nordisk sprogfællesskab/språkgemenskap og hvor godt forstår vi egentlig hinanden?

Disse områder du kan dykke ned i på vores workshop, hvor du får et indblik i hvordan det står til for de nordiske sprog i dag og hvor god du selv er til at forstå andre fra Norden.

Workshoppen faciliteres af Foreningen Norden Danmark og Foreningen Nordens Forbund

Format: The workshop will be in Scandinavian, everyone is welcome

Financing opportunities in the Nordic region


In Festsalen

Getting funding for your ideas and projects is an important part of making them come to life.

In the Nordic region there are several places and ways to apply for funding, and a representative from the Erasmus + program will guide you through some of them and give you some tips on how to apply.

Styrk – How to work towards becoming a more diverse organization


In Lillesalen

We talk a lot about diversity in our sector, and organizations today are generally motivated to get started with it.

But oftentimes this subject feels overwhelming, and too big to take on practically - typical questions that arise are where to begin? Who can we or should we include? Who shouldn't we include?

In this session we are going to make diversity more manageable by looking at it from a project management perspective. The goal is for you to pick up some inspiration, tools or tricks to implement in your organization.

Meeting between boardmembers of the Nordic youth councils


In Åsen

This element is for members of the boards of the Nordic youth councils: DUF, LNU, LSU, Allianssi, LUF, FUR, and Sorlak, who are all partners in the NORÐ-project.

We will share experiences and explore topics where we might be able to learn from each other.

Walk and talk


Start in Kollen

Go for a walk. Get some fresh air. Maybe talk to a new person?

We have printed a map with a 3,5 km walk around the lake.

Creative café


In Kollen

The creative café is a space where you can either work on a creative project you have brought from home or play with some of the materials, we have brought.

You are also welcome to just hang out, relax and talk with others in a slower tempo.

Extremism – witness talk and workshop


In Storsalen

In this session we will hear a witness talk and have a workshop on the topic of extremism.

We will hear from two young women who experienced the terror attack at Utøya firsthand.

When we have heard their stories, we will discuss in groups and reflect on what we have heard. Our focus will be to try to reflect and discuss how organizations can help prevent extremism.

If you think the witness talk will be too tough to listen to you can choose not to participate. If you have any concerns in advance of the session, feel free to reach out to Ingrid.

Creative café


In Kollen

The creative café is a space where you can either work on a creative project you have brought from home or play with some of the materials, we have brought.

You are also welcome to just hang out, relax and talk with others in a slower tempo.

Session 4


Networking and partnerships #3 - Create ideas and network – Nordic style!


In Storsalen

Do you have a great idea for a partnership? Would you like to create a partnership, but have no idea where to start? Do you want to work on an already existing partnership, or do you just want to be inspired by other organizations?

Then this might just be the sessions for you!

In these sessions you will have the opportunity to and be provided with the tools to create ideas, start planning, get inspiration on how to fundraise and reflect on how to create inclusivity and equity and much more. The same session will be held twice, which gives you plenty of opportunity to take part in other sessions.

Format: All are welcome!

Financing opportunities in the Nordic region


In Festsalen

Getting funding for your ideas and projects is an important part of making them come to life.

In the Nordic region there are several places and ways to apply for funding, and a representative from the Erasmus + program will guide you through some of them and give you some tips on how to apply.

Panel talk - Nordic Cooperation


In Lillesalen

Why is Nordic cooperation valuable, and what is the point of view of the Nordic youth councils?

This panel talk takes point of departure in the creation of The Nordic Youth Vision, which is a common vision that the Nordic youth councils have created together.


You can read the Nordic Youth Vision here

Creative café


In Kollen

The creative café is a space where you can either work on a creative project you have brought from home or play with some of the materials, we have brought.

You are also welcome to just hang out, relax and talk with others in a slower tempo.

Rounding off the day in reflection groups


In Home Rooms - Storsalen, Festsalen, Lillesalen and Åsen

Open Stage Night


In Storsalen

The stage is open for all participants at Ungetinget!

Join us in creating a fun and engaging evening activity by performing a talent or form of entertainment.

It can be anything from an awesome juggling show, a beautiful song or a fun comedy story.

You can sign up for Open Stage Night here

Karaoke / Just Dance


In Storsalen

Isaac (Allianssi) will start the floor and make sure that there's room for everyone to join. So find your favorite Icelandic song or the best ABBA-JustDance-video you know and join the fun!

Board games


In Festsalen

Play board games with other participants!

Nickolaj from Bifrost (DK) and Jakup from Tabletop (FO) will be your game masters.

Good morning in reflection groups


In Home Rooms - Storsalen, Festsalen, Lillesalen and Åsen

Session 5


Networking and partnerships #4 - Make your dreams come true! The next step on your partnership journey


In Storsalen

Ungetinget is coming to an end, but it’s not over just yet. We of course need to take the next step towards turning our ideas into action. Because what are great ideas without a plan?

In this session you get the opportunity and tools to create project plans and partnership agreements for your partnerships.

If you have worked on a partnership during Ungetinget or have an existing one that needs some planning, then this is just the session for you.

Format: Stay and make a great plan


Sustainable engagement and volunteering


In Festsalen

Strong engagement and dedication to a cause greater than oneself is often the foundation for a volunteer organization.

Sometimes, however, this engagement becomes a bit too intense. Many organizations experience that their volunteers burn out and disappear from the organization.

Why does this happen, and what can we do about it? Hopefully you will get some answers in this session.

Open stage - Present your idea/project/work


In Lillesalen

The stage is open for you to present or share something that you are working with in your organisation or plan to work with. It can also be an important topic that you engage with and want to share and talk about.

It does not require anything special to participate in the Open Stage, and you can sign up during the weekend.

Open Stage is also a unique opportunity for you to be inspired by what the others are presenting, and you are very welcome to just join as part of the supportive audience.

Benjamin from LNU is the host for Open Stage, so if you have any questions, or would like sign up in advance, you can contact him on:

We are looking forward to hearing what you would like to share!

Walk and talk


Start in Åsen

Go for a walk. Get some fresh air. Maybe talk to a new person?

We have printed a map with a 3,5 km walk around the lake.

Be aware that the path is uneven and very wet.

Creative café


In Åsen

The creative café is a space where you can either work on a creative project you have brought from home or play with some of the materials, we have brought.

You are also welcome to just hang out, relax and talk with others in a slower tempo.

Check out in reflection groups


In Home Rooms - Storsalen, Festsalen, Lillesalen and Åsen

Joint closing of Ungetinget


In Storsalen

All together, we're going to wrap up Ungetinget 2023.