Youth Network NORDYouth Network NORD
Youth Network NORDYouth Network NORD

Naapitta - Let's meet!

Partnerships and cultural exchange

In Nuuk, Greenland, the 31st of August - 3rd of September 2023

For young Samí and Inuit age 18-30

The aim of Naapitta - Let's meet! is to create more knowledge and contact between young Sámi and Inuit through being curious about our own and each others' culture.

We wish to create meaningful partnerships and explore topics that are relevant for us - e.g. Indigenous Peoples' Rights, Social Challenges and Climate.

As part of the project, you will also participate in Ungetinget 2023 on the 10th-12th of November in Oslo, where we will continue to work on the partnerships and share experiences and insights with even more young people from the Nordic countries.

Join us!

Deadline for application is the 28th of May 2023 23.45 (midnight).

To participate, you must be between 18 and 30 years old and affiliated with an organisation.

The application does not depend on the country, you are living in.

Greenlandic culture
Greenlandic culture

Together we will explore and present the Greenlandic culture. We will visit different sites and museums in Nuuk and also have a varity of cultural events during the days.

Partnerships and project tools
Partnerships and project tools

We will have workshops and time to create partnerships, some of the workshops will have focus on specific project tools like applying for funding and how to manage a project.

Sámi culture
Sámi culture

Together we will explore and present Sámi culture. As a participant you will be part of presenting and sharing your experiences with Sámi culture.



Wednesday 30th of August

Arrival in Nuuk

Thursday 31st of August

Welcome and introduction to the program and each other

Presentation of Greenlandic culture

Friday 1st of September

Presentation of Sámi culture

Workshops and time to form partnerships

Saturday 2nd of September

Workshops and time to form partnerships

Cultural event

Sunday 3rd of September

Workshops and time to form partnerships

Project tools - introduction on how to apply for funding etc.

Farewell and see you soon between young Sámi and Inuit

Monday 4th of September

Departure for young Sámi


You will be informed whether you have been accepted as a participant by the 31st of May at the latest.

We will then contact you to organise the final details of your participation.

We provide transport, food and a place to sleep during the activity.

Accommodation in Nuuk is at Nuuk City Hostel, where we will sleep in two- and three-person rooms.

If you have any questions, you can always contact Hanna Nøddelund at: and +45 29 86 72 70