Youth Network NORDYouth Network NORD
Youth Network NORDYouth Network NORD

Youth Network NORD

In Youth Network NORD, we create communities, collaboration, and understanding among young people in the Nordic countries.

We do this by organizing meetings around common themes, where we exchange knowledge and experiences, build friendships, and explore opportunities for cooperation.

Youth Network NORD is a collaboration between the Nordic youth councils.

The project is funded by the A.P. Møller and Wife Chastine Mc-Kinney Møller Foundation for General Purposes from October 2024 until the end of April 2027.

Together, we strengthen engagement, agency, and future collaboration

The foundation of the Youth Network NORD is a unique collaboration between the Nordic youth councils.

Our approach to meetings between Nordic youth is:

  1. 🤝 Meeting around a common third cause, as well as exchanging knowledge and experiences, provides the sense that we have much in common and can learn from each other. This fosters curiosity, understanding, communities, collaboration, and partnerships.
  2. 🙌 Through peer-to-peer meetings and friendships, we gain experience with Nordic cultures and languages, and we feel part of a meaningful and inspiring Nordic community.
  3. 💪 Creating strong partnerships requires capacity building and support for collaboration, especially help with securing funding.
  4. 🫶 Concrete experiences with cultures, languages, and Nordic cooperation deepen our understanding of the shared linguistic, cultural, and value-based community in the Nordic region.

In this way, we empower each individual young person and youth organization. We contribute to ensuring that more people feel part of a Nordic community and understand the value of Nordic cooperation. And we strengthen the common Nordic youth voice.

All of this is an important foundation for addressing regional and global challenges and ensuring a sustainable and cohesive Nordic region.

What we do


Nordic culture, language and communities


What is Nordic cohesion and communities?

What is Nordic cohesion and communities?

Samhörighet (2023)

The video work is a creative collaboration among ten young individuals from the Nordic region in connection with the activity Samhörighet.

Participants first wrote and recorded texts, after which they interpreted another participant's text and created video material for it. The work represents the Nordic community with a mix of Nordic languages and nationalities, showcasing the various participants' perspectives on the subject based on personal experiences

Favoritord - suggestions for the best Nordic words

Favoritord - suggestions for the best Nordic words

Favoritord (2023)

Recorded at the Youth People's Meeting NORD in Copenhagen. Participants' suggestions for their favorite Nordic words.


Capacity building and sharing of best practices between young people


Collaboration and partnerships between Nordic youth organizations

Materials from NORÐ

The Nordic Youth Vision

The shared vision of the seven Nordic youth councils for the future of the Nordic region

The vision focuses on four topics that are crucial to ensuring a future where young people thrive and are active in society:

- Democracy

- Youth engagement in civil society

- A Nordic region without borders

- A good life for young people